Berkeley Clubs
Centralized Hub for Connecting Students with Campus Life
Berkeley Clubs addresses the critical need for students to easily navigate and engage with campus activities and resources. Serving as a centralized hub, it enhances student life by streamlining club recruitment processes, ensuring smooth management of club memberships, and offering effective tools for everyone to find resources quickly.
Jan - May 2024
My Role
1 Product Manager
3 Software Engineers
1 UX/UI Designer (Me)
Early Concepting
Usability testing
Berkeley has over 1,100 clubs on campus but...
there is currently no centralized informational hub for students to navigate and access community engagement, academic and extracurricular opportunities, and support services.
Drawing from their personal experiences, when I first came to Berkeley, I didn't not know where to start looking for resources. After talking to so many people, I found that it was a common reoccurring thing. Berkeley is such a huge campus. Its overwhelming and hard to find your community.
We sent out surveys to gather more insights on students' pain points during the club discovery process. Here are some takeaways from 68 responses:
Of applicants admitted to starting an application process but failing to complete it due to distractions or losing track of deadlines.
Of respondents reported that they often discovered clubs after major recruitment periods had ended.
of students expressed difficulty in finding who to talk to understand club culture before applying.
 Finding the communities you want to be a part of should not be a confusing process
How can we alleviate the stress of club discovery for new students and help them easily find communities of interest?
Primary Users: students who need centralized access to...
- Community engagement opportunities
- Academic resources
- Extracurricular activities
- Support services (counseling, academic advising, health services, etc.)
Stakeholders (Club leaders, ASUC, school advisors) who needs a place to promote...
- Club recruitment information
- Promoting career fairs
- Misc events
Emma Johnson (Student)
Recently transferred from another college and is for a community to join at UC Berkeley!
- Find and join clubs and extracurricular activities to meet new people and build a network
- Discover opportunities for community engagement and volunteer work
Pain point:
- Feeling overwhelmed by the large number of clubs and activities and not knowing where to start
- Difficulty finding centralized information about campus resources
Cameron Hong (President of Consultant Club)
Needs to update the club’s membership roster and post upcoming events for new recruitment season.
- Promote club events and activities to attract new members
- Track engagement for club meetings and events.
Manage communication effectively
- Efficiently manage club recruitment and membership records
Pain point:
- Managing membership and communication across various platforms is challenging
- Difficulty in reaching a broader audience for club recruitment
Beta Launched Website during Cal Day
(there was a 72% increase in site views!)
We used this time to get feedback directly from students and club organizations.
1. Club Search Reiteration
Flaw: Many club admins felt overwhelmed and confused with the amount of boxes presented at them.
Changes: I changed the layout to vertical sections for easy edits and navigation.
2. Club Admin View Reiteration
Flaw: Users want more information about the clubs in a concise format. They also want the ability to take action and save clubs they are interested in.
Changes: Implemented a save button for clubs, allowing users to view their saved clubs and applications. Additionally, users can now see a list of organizations they are already a part of.
Customized Sections for Clubs’ Specific Needs
Club admins are able to input and manage detailed club information, with customized sections tailored to their specific club type.
Student Easily View Club info
Detailed club profiles and recruitment timelines and events are up to date.
"Berkeley Clubs has simplified managing my club memberships, making it a seamless experience."
"Seeing my application status in real-time gave me peace of mind and helps me stay on top of deadlines."
"I was able to quickly discover clubs that align with my interests and immediately start building my community on campus."
Working on the Berkeley Clubs project gave me the opportunity to collaborate with the ASUC Student Union. They provided valuable insights and extensive club information, helping to build a platform tailored to student needs. This project allowed us to connect with many campus organizations and students, enhancing our understanding of their pain-points. As a graduating student, it was a great opportunity to give back to the community and create a tool that fosters community and engagement!
- Expanding to faculty and ASUC staff (promoting work study and freelancing services)

- Active Q&A section on the club page, not necessarily to a forum extent, but just a simple discussion board for engagement